Your Greatness is Calling to You.

You know you are made for greatness.

 You feel it deep in your bones.

And when you daydream about your most magnificent life you get an undeniable chill.

That your calling.

That's your higher self speaking directly TO you. It's the Universe telling you that it's possible-there's so much more to unlock in this lifetime.

More fulfillment, purpose, vibrance, excitement, adventure...more magic.


You are a day-dreamer, a truth-seeker, and a passion-filled adventurer who wants to live your biggest life possible - not just in career, not just in relationships, not just in abundance - but ALL of it.

And you're ready to unlock the secrets of how to embody the version of you who can live it.

What you're looking for...

A method where you...

just wake up and FEEL different in your skin.

You don't need willpower to change. You don't need to sell your soul for abundance. You don't need to change your thoughts to change your life.

You BECOME the change.

You embody the changes within your DNA and your reality reflects them back to you.


I have more energy than I did when I was in my twenties.


Because when you shed the heavy energy that is NOT you, you reclaim the life force that wants to channel through you.

This is the kind of energy that you need to scale your business, receive higher levels of abundance, enjoy time with loved ones, and live the fabulous life that wants you.

My Journey

2.5 Years Ago, I didn't know who I was.

After the 28th rejection from a talent management company, I remember pacing around my garage, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, a voice in the back of my head repeating "you can't do this. Just give up already."

In a flash, I even contemplated what it might be like if I just let the car run, closed my eyes and slipped out of this reality, quietly.

At that point, I had spent 8 years and over $30,000 trying to "fix" myself into manifesting a better life through therapy, meditation and mindset.

This was the moment...I realized I wasn't actually "changing."

I was trapped in amount of willpower or positive thinking helped.

I was smart, I was capable. I was determined. But something was blocking me that I couldn't was a fate that felt worse than death itself.

I was pacing in circles in my garage...I couldn't see a way out! And then, an overwhelming sensation came over my entire chest...It was INTENSE.

I thought for a second that I was actually having a heart attack.

And then, a different voice came to the forefront of my mind...A voice so strong...I couldn't ignore it.

"YOU have the power to change YOUR reality."

And as quickly as it appeared, it left.

But I knew that if I could unlock that knowing from deep inside of me, I could manifest my dream reality.

and for the next six months, I became OBSESSED with understanding energy. The more I dug...the more downloads I would receive.

And I landed on THIS ONE CONCEPT that not many people speak of...Let along understand fully.

If you feel the deep embers of something burning within your soul...

This is the activation to the next level of expansion you've been searching for.

It all boils down to one secret.

Remembering who you are at your core level.

Coming home to the limitless nature of your true self that's connected to the source of all there is.

Because everything you want lies within you.

The only question is this: Are you embodying the version who can live it?

How to get there?

You remove ALL the lies you are NOT.

You go to higher levels of frequency and consciousness and release the trauma, the generational curses, and repeating patterns and formulas that

create the same situations and experiences over and over again.

“I feel like the rules of the Universe were explained to me. You feel the change IMMEDIATELY. This program shifted my experience in life.”

- Eleni

“Paget's course is where I've seen the biggest shift, in the smallest amount of time. I've let go of energy, thoughts, beliefs and feelings that I have carried around for years AND I let go of some of them literally in less than a day...”

- Naomi C.

"Paget is a gift from the universe to all of humanity! Her blueprint f-ing WORKS! Thank you for changing my life Paget!!”
- James Andrews

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

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